Diamond graders at a GIA laboratory

Grading Synthetic Diamonds

Clearly, artificial diamonds created in laboratory conditions must also be graded, in order to determine their qualities and their economic value.


However, distinctions must be made between them and diamonds which came into being naturally, to prevent any possible mix-up that might occur.


For example, a grading report for a synthetic diamond must be printed on a card stock of a different color than that used for regular gems. Naturally, one of the phrases “Laboratory-created”, “Man-made”, “Synthetic Diamond” or other such term must be displayed on the cover of the certificate. This designation must also exist in the actual report itself.


Another requirement made upon artificial diamonds is that they must have a laser inscription on their girdles demarcating them as synthetic stones, if they are to be eligible for certification.
Reports for synthetics must also include a working definition of synthetic diamonds, one which makes evident that the stones have the same chemical, optical and physical properties as their natural counterparts.


Two further restrictions apply: the term “fancy diamond” may not be used to describe an artificial diamond, and the term “light” is exchanged for “small”, to further differentiate the two types of stones.

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