fancy color diamonds

Price of Fancy Color Diamonds Continues to Go Up in Q3 2022

The Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI) for the 3rd quarter of 2022 shows that the average price of all colors and sizes of fancy color diamonds climbed by 1% – despite a contraction of 6.7% in the price of white diamonds, In Q2, the FCDI rose 0.8%.


According to a press release by the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF), “Fancy Vivids across all color categories presented the highest increase (1.8%), with Fancy Vivid 8 carats demonstrating a rise of 3.6%, led by Fancy Vivid Pink 8 carats (5.5%).”


fancy color diamonds prices
Credit: FCRF


In Q3 2022, yellow diamonds rose 1.4%, with the Fancy Vivid 8 ct category registering the highest increase at 4%. Pink diamonds rose overall by 0.9% in Q3, with Fancy Vivid 8 ct the highest climber at 5.5%. Blue diamonds rose 0.6%, with Fancy Vivid 2 ct and 1.5 ct presenting the highest climb – 2.6% and 1.8%, respectively.


In the last 12 months, yellows in all sizes and saturations rose 3.4% on average, bBlues rose by 1.8%, and pinks by 3.7%

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