The Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI) for the 3rd quarter of 2022 shows that the average price of all colors and sizes of fancy color diamonds climbed by 1% – despite a contraction of 6.7% in the price of white diamonds, In Q2, the FCDI rose 0.8%.
According to a press release by the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF), “Fancy Vivids across all color categories presented the highest increase (1.8%), with Fancy Vivid 8 carats demonstrating a rise of 3.6%, led by Fancy Vivid Pink 8 carats (5.5%).”
In Q3 2022, yellow diamonds rose 1.4%, with the Fancy Vivid 8 ct category registering the highest increase at 4%. Pink diamonds rose overall by 0.9% in Q3, with Fancy Vivid 8 ct the highest climber at 5.5%. Blue diamonds rose 0.6%, with Fancy Vivid 2 ct and 1.5 ct presenting the highest climb – 2.6% and 1.8%, respectively.
In the last 12 months, yellows in all sizes and saturations rose 3.4% on average, bBlues rose by 1.8%, and pinks by 3.7%