Diamond Ring


Throughout history, men and women have admired diamonds. Diamonds have many qualities that make them desirable for the jewelry industry. It demands much effort to extract even the smallest amount of diamonds, and this also contributes to their value.


The diamond is the hardest mineral in nature. It is eternal. We’ll get rid of most of our possessions before we part with our diamond jewelry. We will keep them and when the time comes, pass them on to the next generation, who will then gift them to their own children and so on. When we wish to buy a unique, expensive gift, we will most likely turn to diamond jewelry.

However, in recent years, a new player entered the market: the synthetic diamond. Unlike natural diamonds, synthetics are made in a laboratory. A process that takes a natural diamond millions of years is completed in a lab in a matter of days.


This artificial process began in the mid-19th century, and the first synthetic diamonds were manufactured for industrial use. At the time, manufacturers of synthetics weren’t able to create diamonds that can be set in jewelry. But technology has progressed, and now the production process has been modified – and prices of synthetics have gone down accordingly. This, in contrast to natural diamonds, which have risen in price over the years.


The synthetic diamonds created today look almost like the real diamonds, and you can hardly tell them apart. Since it costs less to produce them, each synthetic carat is priced 90% lower than that of a real diamond. Many times, people buy synthetics without knowing they are not natural diamonds. Such a sale is fraudulent and illegal, but it occurs regularly.


Because of their price, many are tempted to buy these synthetic diamonds as a cheap gift that looks impressive. They only discover their true value when they attempt to sell it or appraise it.

Therefore, when you set out to buy an engagement ring, a necklace, or any other diamond-set piece, make sure what you’re buying is the real thing – and not a stone made in a lab.



Courtesy: Moti Israeli Diamonds

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