Oppenheimer Blue


The Fancy Color Diamond Index for the third quarter of 2017, which was published this week by the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) and quoted by IDEX Online, shows an overall rise of 0.2% year-on-year for yellow, pink and blue fancy color diamonds in all sizes and saturations.


Prices of fancy blue and pink color diamonds went up 0.4% and 0.3% respectively.  The strongest performing price categories during Q3 were fancy intense and fancy vivid blue diamonds across all carat sizes. Fancy yellow diamond prices declined 0.1%, while most other fancy color diamond categories price stability across.


FCRF Advisory Board Chairman Eden Rachminov said: “As far as supply is concerned, 2017 and the year before were record low years for blue fancy color diamond production from mines. The majority of the blues that are coming into the market are pre-owned stones. Manufacturers have seen a significant drop in availability across all sizes and qualities, and consequently prices have continued to increase. Going forward, the market will have to adjust to a lower “new normal” supply level for blue fancy color and pinks in the high saturations levels”.

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