White Polished Diamonds


In its latest analysis of polished diamond prices published on IDEX Online, the IDEX polished diamond price index shows that prices remained largely flat in May 2017. Polished diamond prices saw a decrease of 0.7% over April, and a 4.7% decrease year-on-year. The Index, which began the month at 119.49, ended at 119.33.


Daily IDEX Polished Price Index - May 2017
Credit: IDEX Online

According to the report, “polished diamond prices have declined since the middle of last year”. Today, “the index is at its lowest point for four years”. Since January 2013, the Index shows a decrease of 10.2%.


When analyzing diamonds by sizes, the IDEX analysis shows a decrease in all diamond sizes from May to April. Year-on-year, only the 4-carat category increased, while all others declined.


Index of Round Diamond Price Trends by Size, Jan 2013 - May 2017
Credit: IDEX Online

Over the longer term, says the report, “the general trend is that 4-carat stones have shown the most price volatility, although 3-carat diamonds have displayed the steepest year-over-year decline since mid-2015”. From December 2015, “there has been relative price stability in 1-carat, 1.5-carat and 2-carat stones”.


As for the future, the analysis states that “even though rough prices are increasing – and even goods sold at tenders are selling at high prices – polished prices are currently stable, without any signs of an increase”. Consequently, “manufacturers are once again not making any profit”.


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