The 2.03-carat diamond


Another awesome find at Arkansas’s Crater of Diamonds State Park: in less than an hour, at 8 am on Monday (October 3), Dan Frederick and his daughter Lauren from Renton, Washington, spotted a 2.03-carat white diamond on the side of a plowed furrow at the park. According to the park’s website, this is the first time that the Fredericks ever visited the park.


Dan Frederick noted that he spotted the diamond’s metallic shine on top of the ground about three feet away from where he was standing. Dan and Lauren said that they plan to keep their diamond. However, they haven’t said what they will do with it.


In the week between September 18 and 25, seven diamonds were found by visitors, ranging from 3 points to 67 point diamonds. In addition, the last few months saw several significant finds at the park: on September 16, a visitor from Tennessee discovered a 1.05-carat white diamond after surface searching for only ten minutes. On May 30, a visitor from Missouri found a large brown diamond, weighing 1.80 carats, five minutes after entering the search site. On March 3, Bobbie Oskarson, a visitor from Colorado, found a 8.52-carat white diamond. She named it the Esperanza Diamond – her niece’s name and the Spanish word for “hope.”


Crater of Diamonds State Park is located in Arkansas and bears the world’s only diamond-bearing site accessible to the public. It is situated over an eroded lamproite volcanic pipe. The park is open to the public and visitors can dig for diamonds and other stones for a small fee. Over 25,000 diamonds have been discovered at the Crater of Diamonds State Park, including the Kahn Canary Diamond and the Strawn-Wagner Diamond – which was found in 1990 and is considered the most perfect diamond in the world, being the only diamond thus far to receive a grade of 0/0/0 from the AGS. The 1.09-carat Strawn-Wagner Diamond is still on display at the park’s visitors’ center.

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