The Polished Argyle Violet


The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) has unveiled a calculator to determine the rarity of a fancy color diamond. According to Diamond World, the Fancy Color Rarity Evaluator (FCRE) provides proprietary rarity estimates to all yellow, pink and blue fancy color diamonds based on the diamond’s carat weight, color, color intensity, clarity and shape.


The calculator will provide a range estimate for the number of such diamonds unearthed in mines each year and will allocate them a Rarity Level, from “Common” to “Super-Stone”. The tool was developed after five years of data collection and analysis, including supply information from leading miners and grading labs.


According to the FCRF, while a grading lab report provides information concerning the diamond’s physical traits, it does not provide information about rarity. Collectors and investors have depended on qualitative information from miners, auctions houses, retailers and wholesalers to obtain rarity information. “The FCRE adds an essential tool for collectors that goes beyond the grading lab report by documenting, analyzing and processing this significant factor”, according to the FCRF.


In addition, the FCRF is planning to introduce Rarity Certificates that will accompany select diamond jewelry pieces in Q4 2016.


To mark the launch of the FCRE, the FCRF will allow free access for five days at

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